In this Sunday’s Gospel reading we have the central teaching of Christianity in one sentence: Love God and Love neighbor. We are called as Christians to root ourselves in the love of God who also expects us to love all who we meet. Within our communities it is easier to see the divisions rather than the similarities of people. This is because our human minds are primed to sort and identify. This week,, Jesus invites us into a new world view, on where we look for commonalties and celebrate unity. In this worldview we are all beloved children of God and we are all neighbors.
This weekend’s second collection will be for the Archdiocese of Galveston - Houston Society of St. Vincent De Paul Society Black Bag collection. These funds play a crucial role in SVP ability to fund all of our programs that feed, clothe, provide dignified living, and help people find their way to self-sufficiency. SVP Food Network, Voucher Ministry provide the support necessary to volunteers in a ten county Galveston Houston area who provide Home Visit Ministry and all these vital programs rely on our Black Bag collection. For more information about the St. Vincent de Paul society of Houston please contact them at Thank you once again for your generosity to the Archdiocese St. Vincent De Paul society.
Our annual Vacation Bible School wrapped up this past week and it was a huge success. We had a record number of kids participants along with over 60 adult and teen volunteers helping our young people grow in their relationship with Christ and the Church. I want to say a special thanks to Mrs. Pamella Johnson our Director of Faith Formation, for developing and executing an exciting program for our young people. I also want to say a special thank you to our Co-Directors of VBS this year, Deborah Sorge and Maria Mays, with the help of Christina Riley the Faith Formation Assistant, Steven Sotelo our Coordinator of Youth Ministry, and all our parents, teens and volunteers for making this event happen for the people of out parish. On behalf of STHY, I want to thank you all.
Church attendance during the summer months tends to drop off as vacations and weekend sporting events often conflict. On the other hand, the services STHY provide with the parish and for the larger community continue year round, as do their associated expenses. Thus, your consistent financial support of our parish is vital to achieving our stewardship mission. The easiest way to be sure that your gift of treasure reaches us, even when you can’t be here, is through enrollment in our electronic offertory program: Faith Direct. Enrollment forms are available in the Church office or you can visit Faith Direct’s secure website at to enroll on line. Our parish code is TX526. As always, know that your generosity is truly a gift from God.
We are organizing a Pilgrimage to Italy for October 2019 and all are welcome to sign up. We plan to visit the cities of Venice, Padua, Siena Macerata, Florence, Assisi and Rome. From the dates of October 7th -18th, 2019, we will be visiting historical religious sites and museums along with celebrating Mass throughout the tour. Tour information flyers are in the Narthex, or our website: and click the banner for the pilgrimage, and or you can contact the parish office at 281-479-4298.
Next, The Archdiocesan Youth Conference will be held July 26th -28th at the Hilton Americas Hotel/ George R. Brown Convention Center in downtown Houston under the theme “Surrender to God.” The primary focus for A.Y.C. is to rejuvenate the faith life of our youth, to help them get serious about life in Christ and His Church, and to learn the truth of the Gospel. Please pray for the Youth of our parish who will be attending this event.
Finally, I am pleased to announce that Mrs. Lisa Freeman will be our 2020 Parish Spring Festival Chairperson. Planning is now underway for the Spring Festival 2020, so please be on the lookout for how you can help with this important effort for the Church. Please thank and pray for Mrs. Freeman as she continues her duties as the Spring Festival 2020 Chairperson.