She was scared, alone, and pregnant. She had recently arrived in the United States and only spoke Spanish. Somehow, she made her way to our convent seeking assistance. The Sister who met her were eager to help, but did not speak a word of Spanish.
Undeterred by the language barrier, the Sister was inspired to pray the rosary and read aloud today’s Gospel of the Visitation. Mary went in haste to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was pregnant. When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the infant leaped in her womb. With a flair for the dramatic, the Sister couldn’t resist acting out the parts. She pointed to an image of Mary, then to the pregnant woman’s belly. To everyone’s surprise, the woman communicated that her baby had moved for the first time. As her fear melted away, she became radiant with joy. She experienced the gift of her life, and that of her unborn child’s.
As we gather with family and friends this Christmas, we too may find that we don’t have the right words or even the right language to communicate the love of Christ. Yet Jesus assures us that he is with us, and as we turn to him, his presence can radiate through us to bring joy to others. Reflection based on Luke 1:39-45 Sister Maris Stella Karalekas, s.v.
Loving Father, you have given us your son Jesus to be with us always. As we receive him into our hearts, may we radiate his life and love to others.