In these weeks Sunday Gospel, Jesus is asked by his disciples who had sin since the man was born blind. Jesus tells them that it is not about sin, but the glory of God. Then he goes to heal the blind man. Then later the Pharisees go on to interrogate the man that was healed from his blindness and Jesus says to them that actually the people who deny God are the blind ones that need to be healed. This week we are called to examine our own blindness in faith. How are we blind to the things that are around us and how Jesus can heal the blindness in our own lives.
Our annual Lenten Penance Service this Wednesday March 29th at 7:00 pm in the Church. We will have multiple priest confessors available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation that night. I encourage you to come and experience this most powerful and healing sacrament. Especially if you haven’t been to confession in a long time, now would be an ideal time to come and be reconciled to God and the Church.
STHY will celebrate Passover with our 4rd Annual Seder Meal on Saturday April 8th following the 5:00 pm Mass. The Seder meal is a ceremonial dinner that commemorates the Jewish exodus from Egypt and includes the reading from the Old Testament and the eating of symbolic foods. Tickets are $10/family and $5/individual. You may make a reservation by submitting the form online or by calling the parish office. Please RSVP the parish office by Friday March 31sth and join us for this special event in the life of our parish.
The greatest affirmation of the faith of a parish community is the presence of individuals seeking admittance to that faith community. Our parish is blessed by the presence of our catechumen and candidates. We have twelve children and one adult seeking admittance into the faith this Easter. Our responsibility to these, our sisters and brothers, is a commitment of prayer and of good example.
This Sunday and next Sunday, we will be celebrating the scrutinies of the Rite of Initiation. With the third in a series of scrutinies, we join the entire church in praying for our sisters and brothers are they seek complete the sacraments of initiation. (RCIA 141) states: “For the scrutinies are celebrated in order to deliver the elect from the power of sin and Satan, to protect them against temptation, and to give them strength in Christ.” At its core, the scrutinies are not about the sinfulness of the elect but about the overwhelming grace of God in Christ. Please continue to pray for our elect and candidates as they continue in their journey of faith.
Since the beginning of the Lenten season, we have given out copies of Matthew Kelly’s book, “Resisting Happiness” with a bookmark of our Capital Campaign Prayer. I am challenging of our parish everyone this Lenten season to read this book and prayerfully think about your relationship with God. If you have not received your book yet, we still have a few copies that are in the narthex of the Church. I want to encourage everyone who received this book to take time read and reflect on our own personal relationship with Christ and to pray for our parish and the success of the Capital campaign.
For 52 years, St Hyacinth has been building on the foundation of God’s promise of unconditional love for all people. We stand on the shoulders of the saints who have gone before us, and from this remarkable vantage point, we see what we must do to continue sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and welcoming all people to join us on this incredible journey.
There is no greater joy than making a difference, and I hope you will pray about the difference you can make through your generous support. To be successful, we need every St. Hyacinth member to participate. Your gift will reflect God’s love at work in the world for generations to come.
Our challenge is great, but so too is our faith – a faith that has carried our church for a half a century. Just as those saints of the past took leaps of faith, preparing the way for future generations, so too will we take a leap of faith, imagining and creating a vital St. Hyacinth for the next fifty years and beyond. Together we will continue Building faith Family and the future.