Faith, hope, and love are essential elements of the Christian life. There must be an effort on our part to embody these actions within our lives. As Jesus faced animosity in the scripture readings for this week, we to face oppositions in our lives as well. We must find a way in which to use faith, hope and love to combat the issue that come at us each day. Jesus was steadfast in facing opposition and he did not waver even when that opposition led him to the Cross. We must not waver, because Jesus died for us to have the opportunity to have faith, hope and love.
One of our goals for 2022 is to increase the number of people using our electronic formats for the dissemination of information from our parish. We have our website: , which I along with the team, update almost daily with information about the activities that go on in the parish. There is Flocknotes, which is our information delivery service for the parish, in which we email and or text information about the activities of the parish. Go to Flocknote tab on our website and join the group “Parishioners”. We are on Facebook, go and ‘like’ our Facebook page at . Our livestream masses and liturgies can be found on our website, Facebook and Vimeo.
Preparations have started for the 8th Annual Ministries retreat here at St. Hyacinth. The retreat will start on March 5th with Mass and throughout the day there will be several presentations on the Liturgy from guests throughout the Archdiocese. We welcome everyone who is involved with our ministries to sign up for this important retreat, especially to develop an understanding as to why Liturgy is the work of the people. Sign up online at . Be on the lookout for more details online and in the bulletin.
The renovation of the main sanctuary has been spectacular. The Church looks beautiful. Next, we will begin to address the issues that face the rest of the campus. One of the areas that we are working to address are the overhangs and walkways of the Church. Over the next few weeks, these areas along with the roof of Guyot Hall , walkways and gutters will be evaluated, and we are receiving several bids to replace and repair these areas around the Church. Next, we are working on plans to paint and refresh the entire Church campus. Thank you for your generosity towards our Parish improvement fund.
For 2022, Cardinal DiNardo has assessed our parish DSF goal at $84,000. DSF supports more than 60 ministries and programs that serve the faithful of the Archdiocese and us here at St. Hyacinth. From Catholic chaplains at the hospitals and the Port of Houston, to religious education training for our teachers (who pass on their faith to our children), to outreach to seniors, to youth ministry, to soup kitchens, to Catholic Charities ministry to the poor and disenfranchised, and to training for seminarians, deacons and priests, the DSF provides funding for people and program that serve us all. It’s truly our baptism calling for generosity as the Cardinal tells us to give “All For The Glory Of God”