This weekend, we conclude the Liturgical year. Each year, we round out the year with the feast of Christ the King. The Gospel focuses on the otherworldly aspect of the nature of Jesus and His identity. Our understanding of Jesus affects every aspect of how we, as his disciples, live our lives. We worship Jesus, the King of the universe, and proclaim His truth. Now we are called to acknowledge that truth and proclaim it to the world.
As we move forward into the new liturgical year that begins in Advent, we will recall the images of Christ the King and turn to it often to help us understand that true power comes from humility, selfishness and sacrifice.
For the Month of November, The Book of the Names of the Dead will be in the candle area in Guyot Hall for those who want to write the names of deceased loved ones whom we can pray for. One of the most beautiful responsibilities we have as Catholics is to pray for our dead. Through prayer, fasting and good works we offer on behalf of the deceased, we pray that God’s purification will be granted to all of the faithful departed so that they can obtain their soul’s desire, eternal life in heaven. In communion with the faithful departed as members of the Church, it is our responsibility and privilege to assist them with our prayers and holy works.
I want to say a special thanks to everyone who has contributed to the 57th parish anniversary gift of a Statue of St. Hyacinth. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, we have surpassed our goal and have collected $19,076 for the Statue. Thank you for your generosity. The Statue is due to arrive to our parish the second week of December. Please keep your fingers crossed.
The Christmas season and the time for giving are just around the corner. The 2022 STHY gift list is has been released and this presents a great opportunity to support our parish in a special way to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Check out the list in the bulletin or go online at and see how you can share the gift of Christmas with STHY.ose in need this Christmas season. This year we are accepting gift cards as gifts. Purchased gifts are due back to STHY on December 4th and wiuyot Hall. Thank you for your generosity.
With the busy times of Thanksgiving and the Season of Advent right around the corner, enrolling in online giving is a great way to ensure your gifts of treasure to St. Hyacinth are received even if you may be out of town. Please go to and register for online giving or to simply give online. Thank you in advance for your support .
Each year, our archdiocese charges each parish in the archdiocese to host a Missionary to preach at a parish for missions appeals. The action provide the people of our archdiocese the opportunity to increase their awareness of the vital mission work of the Church. Next weekend November 26th and 27th ) please welcome the Claretian Missionaries . the mission of the Claretians are as follows: Preaching God’s Word, especially through parish and Campus Ministry; Community development programs within high-poverty, urban communities; Publishing bilingual periodicals and materials to support ministry and leadership development in the Catholic Church; Publishing magazines and materials to help Catholics live their faith in the U.S. today; and fostering and maintaining a devotion to St. Jude, the Patron Saint of Hope. The Claretians Missionaries are a worldwide missionary organization. Thank you for generosity in supporting the Claretians missions.
Finally, for the Thanksgiving holiday, we will have a special Thanksgiving Day Mass at 10:00 am here at STHY. The parish offices will be closed on Wednesday November 23rd, Thursday November 24th and Friday November 25th . On behalf of all of us here at STHY, we wish you all a very happy and blessed Thanksgiving.