The Spirit that Jesus gives is one that seeks to anoint us with wisdom, understanding, council, strength, knowledge, and fear of the Lord. Through these gifts, we are called to spread the good news of God to the world. When we have the gifts of the spirit, we can life in true Christian community with one another. We receive this Spirit at baptism and are strengthened in its gifts at confirmation, but every day of our Christian life we can call upon this Spirit to refine us in God’s love.
The Archdiocese annual collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious is this weekend. Cardinal DiNardo is encouraging all of the faithful to give what they can in support of the 34,000 senior sisters, brothers and religious order priests who have served throughout our Archdiocese and the United States. The retirement fund for Religious offers vital financial assistance to help meet the day to day needs for medications, nursing care and more. The U.S. bishops initiated the collection in 1988 to address the significant lack of retirement funding among U.S. religious communities. Proceeds are distributed to eligible communities to help underwrite retirement and health-care expenses. Thank you for your generosity.
Now that the Holiday season is in full swing and there are several opportunities for our parish community to witness the love of Christ to those in need this season. The Angel Tree is up in our Church narthex and the angel tags are on the tree. The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a coat drive and there is a constant need for donations for food in which SVDP will distribute. Thank you for your generosity.
The next opportunity for you to give is to the parish itself. The 2019 STHY gift list is out and this presents a great opportunity to support our parish in a special way to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Check out the list in the bulletin or and see how you can share the gift of Christmas with STHY. With the busy times of the Season of Advent and Christmas, enrolling in Faith Direct today is a great way to ensure your gifts of treasure to St. Hyacinth are received even if you may be out of town. Please pick up an enrollment form located on the information table in the narthex, from the parish office, or enroll online at our Church Code is TX526. Already using Faith Direct? Don't forget to add your Christmas or End-of-Year contributions to your account this season. Thank you for your support and for using Faith Direct!
This year the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is NOT a Holy Day of obligation, however, for those who still want to honor our Blessed Mother, there will be a special Mass on this Monday evening December 9th at 7:00 pm to commemorate this special day.
STHY will have our annual Advent Penance Service on Tuesday December 10th at 7:00 pm in the Church. We will have multiple priest confessors available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation that night. I encourage you to come and experience this most powerful and healing sacrament. Especially if you haven’t been to confession in a long time, now would be an ideal time to come and be reconciled to God and the Church. It would be a great way to start off the new liturgical year and get yourself in the right frame of mind for the approaching holidays.
With Christmas day 2019 on December 25th falling on a Wednesday it’s going to be a busy time for us in the church as we transition from our Advent season environment to the Christmas season. Due to the tight schedule, we need lots of hands in decorating the church, Guyot Hall, the Religious Education building and the parish grounds. Call the parish office for details on how to help.
Let’s take a look ahead to the Christmas schedule. Our Christmas Mass schedule is as follows: Tuesday, December. 24th, Christmas Eve: 4:00 pm, 4:30 in Guyot Hall, and 12 midnight; Wednesday, December. 25th, Christmas Day: 8:00 am and 10:00 am.
With all those masses we will be stretched thin on ministers to help cover the many needs of the Christmas Liturgy. In particular I am asking our Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion to please sign up to assist at one (or two) masses if at all possible. Same goes for our Sacristans, Acolytes, Altar Servers, Ushers and Greeters. We will have a lot of visitors with us this Christmas season and we need your presence, please.