We begin this week from the gospel of John with the feeding of the five thousand, the fourth of the gospel of john’s seven signs that Jesus performs. This Miracle is recounted in all four gospels.
Throughout the gospel this week we witness , the disciples being initiated into the abundant nature of the kingdom of God. Jesus reveals that He is the bread of Life who has come to deed the world and he invites the disciples and us to john him in this endeavor. Our lives as Christians means that we are called to trust in the abundance of God and we are called to share that abundance with the world.
The first phase of the Church renovation has started with the instillation of the new boiler system to provide heat for the Church, Religious Education building and offices. The Church now has heat, however, unfortunately, HVAC Unit No# 1 is no longer working and we only have the 40 ton units cooling the Church.
We have been told by the contractors that the new HVAC units are due to be installed at the end August. Keep your prayers coming. The instillation will be a major undertaking to replace our aged system of the parish. Thank you for your generosity towards STHY.
Studio Red Architects will be guiding us on phase two of the renovation of the Church. For the renovation of the sanctuary, we are planning to replace the existing pews, flooring, and lighting in the main church. We have a table set up in the back of the Church near the Baptismal area that has some of the materials that will be used in the renovation of the Church. Thank you for your generosity to St Hyacinth. One of our parish goals in 2021 is to increase the number of families supporting St Hyacinth using Faith Direct. Currently we have 213 families using Faith Direct and hopefully by the end of the year we can have at least 325 families of STHY on Faith Direct. The number of 325 families represents 20% of our parish population of registered parishioners. There are several ways in which you can register for online giving. First, you can go to St. hyacinth.org and click the online giving tab and register. Next, You can register by logging on to www.faithdirect.net and entering our parish code of TX526 or finally by just simply scanning the QR code found on the poster in the Narthex.
Religious Education classes will be starting soon and now is the time to start thinking about the upcoming religious Education school year. Register for Religious education classes online at Sthyacinth.org. As this summer continues, I want to encourage everyone to use their summer down time to go to FORMED.org. FORMED is a digital online platform that gives STHY parish members unprecedented access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and eBooks from the Church’s foremost presenters.
Prepare for Mass each week by watching an insightful five-minute video on the Sunday Readings.
Study the Scriptures at your own pace and time.
Enjoy movies as a family that are both nourishing and entertaining.
Enrich your marriage with the award-winning video program Beloved.
Help your children grow in faith and character with engaging children’s materials.
Our parish Password to FORMED.org is 77GVZ3.
This year we will celebrate the 56th anniversary of the founding of St Hyacinth. For this year’s celebration, the weekend of August 21st and 22nd there will be a weekend of prayer, remembrance, and celebration. There will be giveaways, and fun throughout the weekend culminating with the long-anticipated raffle of wonderful prizes.
Please pick up your raffle tickets from one of the volunteers at the entrance to the Church after the weekend masses or come to the parish office to pick up your tickets during the week.
Finally, I would like to thank Allen Konvicka, Howard Schaffer, Mary Schaffer, Jim Holden, Steven Rodriguez, Raul Turner, Paul Arrigo, and members of the Catholic Daughters Community who have been assisting with the rehabilitation of the STHY Prayer Garden and Stations of the Cross. Thank you for all your help.