As we continue with Ordinary time in the Church, we continue to listen to the Gospel of Matthew’s Sermon on the Mount. Matthew has Jesus going up a mountain and processed to teach the faithful new commandments that will lead to the fulfillment of the kingdom of heaven. The relationships Jesus teaches are modeled by his own way of living and are a sign of how God relates to us. More than setting high standards for behavior, Jesus sis teaching us how to be holy as God is Holy, to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect. Jesus is teaching us what God’s kingdom looks like and how its citizens behave toward one another here and now.
Next Saturday, February 25th, the people of St. Hyacinth have been invited to a special fellowship event with Peace Lutheran Church of Pasadena. The topic of the prayer breakfast will be “One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism” from Ephesians chapter 4:5; and I have been ask to be the guest speaker for the event. As the Ecumenical Officer of the Archdiocese, it has been my duty to encourage the Catholic Faithfull of the Archdiocese to work with the other faiths in our community to bring about peace and understanding. If you are interested in attending this event, please RSVP me at [email protected] or call the office.
Next Sunday, February 26th we will have our regular “I Love Potluck” supper right after the Noon Mass. We are currently working on having a major official Deer Park elected official here with us for our Potluck get together. By this time that you read this in the bulletin, our guest speaker will be confirmed. In the meantime, please bring a dish for all of us to share.
Mark your calendars for Sunday May 7, for our annual Parish Festival. This will be our fourth festival for our parish in close to 20 years. Volunteers are still needed in many areas. Please make plans to get involved now and come join us for what is shaping up as great festival for the life of St. Hyacinth. It’s no secret that what makes the parish Bazaar such an awesome event for our parish and community is the great number of people who volunteer their time and talent. It is Stewardship in action. Your help is especially needed to staff a shift in one of our many booths, rides and games. The help and support of everyone in the parish, both young and old, is most needed. It’s a great way to give back to the life of the community. I highly encourage you to make your commitment to helping our parish at the Bazaar. The 2017 Bazaar Chairman’s, Raul Turner will be speaking at all the masses this weekend to welcome everyone to support the festival effort for our parish. Tickets for the raffle are on sale now. I want thank the Bazaar Volunteer Team for all of their hard work in bringing the bazaar to St. Hyacinth.
For the men of STHY, there will be a Men’s Retreat held at Holy Name Retreat center on March 17-19. The Archdiocese wants to encourage everyone to attend retreats and to use these retreats to connect with God through prayer and action. For more information on the Men’s retreat contact the Holy name retreat center . Next weekend, Passionist priests, Rev, Ronan Newbald C.P. from Holy Name Retreat Center will be speaking at each of the Masses to encourage the men of our parish to attend the Men’s retreat.
Finally, as we approach the first anniversary of the start of our Building Faith, Family and Future Capital Campaign Capital Campaign, I send out my sincere thanks to all who made a pledge. I truly appreciate your generosity and support. If you have not made a pledge for the campaign, Please consider making a pledge. Blue envelopes are in the Narthex along with our collection box specifically designed for our Capital campaign or you can do so online through the parish website. When you complete your pledge envelope, drop it in the collection box, offertory basket, or mail it or bring it by the office at any time. This year, we ask every family to consider an equal sacrifice, not an equal size gift. Every pledge, of every size, is most needed and welcomed. Thank you for doing your part to help us reach our goal.