On the feast of the Ascension of the Lord, we remember Jesus words to his friends and Disciples before he was taken up to heaven: “Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” We have been all commissioned by Jesus to share the good news of the gospel. Jesus has called us to be witness to his life, death and resurrection. Our actions need to reflect his love in the presences of darkness. Now that the gospel has been entrusted to us, it is our duty to preach the healing love of Christ, perform acts of charity, plant the seeds of peace and be a blessing to our brothers and sisters in this world. Next, there is an ongoing need for food items in our greater community. We are asking everyone to bring in donated food items on a regular basis for the St. Vincent De Paul food pantry. The SVD food pantry is always in need of nutritious nonperishable food items. Thank you for your great generosity.
Next, we are currently providing livestreaming of the Masses here at St. Hyacinth. Please go to our website Sthyacinth.org, St Hyacinth Facebook page or St Hyacinth Viemo.com page to view the current livestream mass. The Livestream Mass can be seen through our website page. Be on the lookout for the Sunday 10:00 am livestream mass if you are not able to come to Mass. We are looking for individuals who would like to help the St Hyacinth expand its video ministry program. If you are interested, please email me at [email protected].
One of our parish goals in 2021 is to increase the number of families supporting St Hyacinth using Faith Direct. Currently we have 213 families using Faith Direct and hopefully by the end of the year we can have at least 325 families of STHY on Faith Direct. The number of 325 families represents 20% of our parish population of registered parishioners. You can register in less than five minutes by logging sthaycinth.org and pressing the Faith Direct icon and entering our parish code of TX526 or by just simply scanning the QR code found on the poster in the Narthex. However, I do want to address the approximately the over 1044 registered families here at STHY that we have no record of your giving to the Church. We do acknowledge that many are giving to the Church through the weekend collection; however, STHY needs you start moving toward electronic giving. In this way we can account for all those who are a part of the parish that are truly giving and it is an expense of the church for envelopes to be mailed to registered families. We currently spend close to $10K a year on offertory envelopes and if we could use our electronic giving, this would reduce the expense of mailed offertory envelopes dramatically.
The first phase of the Church renovation will be starting in a next few weeks with the replacement of both the heating and cooling systems for the Church and Church complex. The heating system has already failed and is no longer working and the HVAC system is currently failing and needs to be replaced due to its age. This will be a major undertaking to replace our aged system of the parish. The heating and HVAC systems of the Church are interconnected with the Religious Education building soo the work will be extensive.
Furthermore, we have signed a contract with Studio Red Architects who will help guide us on phase two of the renovation of the Church. Studio Red Architects have provided their services to several of our parishes here in the Archdiocese, and I am confident they will be able to lead us in the renovation of our fifthly plus year old church. Thank you for your generosity to St Hyacinth.