The presentation of Jesus in the temple shows us the gift of intergenerational relationships. A righteous and devout elder, Simeon, meets Mary , Joseph and Jesus in the Temple. Simeon response to the sight of the baby Jesus was with awe and wonder. The wise prophet recognizes Jesus as the one who will being salvation upon all the people. In the Gospel, Simeon and Anna provide Mary and Jospeh with perspective and remind the new parents of their son’s identity. They go on to affirm Jesus’s mission to be the light of the world.
Through the gospel readings, we are called to reflect on the intergenerational relationships we have. Families are all called to encourage each other and draw on their own experiences for the betterment of the whole. Like Jesus, each of us is part of a large system of support. We are called to be there for one another.
I want to thank our entire ministry team who help bring to St. Hyacinth a wonderful Christmas liturgy. Without the Sacristans, Ushers, Greeters, Altar servers, Readers, Acolytes, Musicians, and Choirs; we could not have a Christmas celebration in the Church. Thank you all and your efforts are appreciated by everyone. Special thanks to Mrs. Pamella Pitman, our Director of Liturgy and Music for leading our beautiful liturgies this Christmas season.
I want to thank all the wonderful people who were responsible for decorating the church and Guyot Hall this Christmas season. There is a whole host of people who have given of their time and talent to come and make sure that our Christmas environment would glorify God here at STHY. On behalf of us all here at St. Hyacinth, Thank you soo very much.
As we enter a new year, let us all think of ways in which we can make life easier for ourselves and the parish. Enrolling in online giving today is a great way to ensure your gifts of treasure to St. Hyacinth are received even if you may be out of town. Go to and register for online giving. Don't forget to add your Christmas or End-of-Year contributions to your account this season. Thank you for your online support of St. Hyacinth.
This year, there is no mass for New Year’s Day since this day falls on a Monday, it is not a Holy Day of obligation.
Epiphany of the Lord concludes the Christmas season, so we invite everyone to our annual Christmas cantata Sunday January 7th at 3:00pm here at the Church. Come and listen to the music of the season and support our music ministry program.
The parish office will be closed January 1st-3rd for the celebration of the New Year.
On behalf of the staff here at St. Hyacinth, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a joy filled New Year!
Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year! God Bless, Fr. Reginald Samuels