This Sunday, we come together to honor Christ our King. As we prepare ourselves, let us all open ourselves to his call to share in the fullness of life with him in glory. In the kingdom of Christ we are lovingly embraced by the beloved Son who wills for us salvation and fullness of life. Jesus reigns over the hearts of all those who open themselves to his invitation to be with him, now it is our mission to cooperate with him and when we forgive, reach out and expand our hearts to change, we are becoming the Christians in which Jesus died for us to be.
Due to the recent tragic events in our state and country over the last few months, there has been a rise in the concern for safety in our area Churches. We here at STHY want you all to know that safety is a major priority for this Church. We have been working diligently with the Deer Park police department and our security company on the various ways to improve and update the security of our facilities. However, there are several things that each and every one of us can do to improve the safety of our surroundings. First, please do not prop open locked doors. Propped open doors tend to stay propped open for a period of time and this allows people to enter into our buildings unnoticed. Secondly, make it a point to greet all the people that you encounter. If there is someone who needs help or directions on the campus, simply find one of the STHY employees to refer him or her to. Finally, if there is someone who simply does not belong on campus, make a partner with another person and contact the proper authorities and the STHY staff. Safety should be everyone’s concern.
Now that the Holiday season is in full swing and there are several opportunities for our parish community to witness the love of Christ to those in need this season. The Angel Tree is up in our Church narthex and the angel tags are on the tree. Please take the time before or after Mass to view the various tags on the tree to take it to make a purchase to help those in need this Christmas season. Thank you for your generosity.
With the busy times of Thanksgiving and the Season of Advent right around the corner, enrolling in Faith Direct today is a great way to ensure your gifts of treasure to St. Hyacinth are received even if you may be out of town. Please pick up an enrollment form located on the information table in the narthex, from the parish office, or enroll online at our Church Code is TX526. Already using Faith Direct? Don't forget to add your Christmas or End-of-Year contributions to your account this season. Thank you in advance for your support and for using Faith Direct!
Next, STHY will have our annual Advent Penance Service on Wednesday December 6th at 7:00 pm in the Church. We will have multiple priest confessors available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation that night. I encourage you to come and experience this most powerful and healing sacrament. Especially if you haven’t been to confession in a long time, now would be an ideal time to come and be reconciled to God and the Church. It would be a great way to start off the new liturgical year and get yourself in the right frame of mind for the approaching holidays.
As we begin our Advent season next week, I want to invite everyone to be a part of FORMED; which is a revolutionary on-line platform that offers a wealth of informative and entertaining Catholic audio talks, eBooks, feature films, documentaries, and video-based study programs. One of the brightest opportunities that FORMED provides is that it helps families create holy homes. With Catholic content for all ages, FORMED can be accessed at home for families to grow in holiness together.
Next weekend at all the Masses, I will present a short presentation on FORMED. FORMED provides a wealth of resources for Parishioners to grow together using common content. And this will be a part of our Bible Study project for our parish for the rest of 2017 and moving forward in 2018. FORMED will be an exciting way in which all of us in the parish to learn more about God and his plan for us for our lives.