The risen Lord stands on the shore of all our activity to reveal to us the depts. Of what we cannot find on our own, the depths of who we can become in this world. Risen life is not about going back to the way it used to be, but moving forward with our lives in a new direction. As we are witnesses to Jesus call of the twelve, he is also calling us to follow him and remain faithful as his disciples were faithful.
During the eight Sundays of Easter the first readings are selected from the Acts of the Apostles and deals with the Easter Faith of the early Christian community. These selections from the Acts of the Apostles record how those first Christians received the spirit of Jesus and carried the mission of Christ forward. These writings help us move forward with our mission to show love and mercy to the world in light of the risen Christ.
I want to send congratulations for a wonderful concert this past Sunday to our STHY Choir; they did a beautiful job to commemorate the risen Lord. Congratulations to our Director of Liturgy and Music, Pamella Pitman and to the Musicians from all over the Archdiocese who were part of the glorious presentation. Thank you all for supporting our music program here at STHY.
On Tuesday April 24th at 7:00 pm we will have our Mass of Confirmation with Cardinal DiNardo. St. Hyacinth has 50 young people being confirmed this year. Please continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to guide our teens, their sponsors and families whom will be participating in this event.
Thanks to all who have signed up to help at our rapidly approaching parish Spring Festival. Volunteers are still needed in many areas. Please contact the parish office to volunteer your time for this great effort. The Cinco De Mayo Spring Festival taking place on May 5th and 6th will be the two big days for everyone. If you have not picked up your 2018 Festival raffle tickets, they are available during select times outside the Church Narthex or pick them up from our parish office. Thank you for your help with selling tickets for the great prizes we have for the festival. The cruise prize will work wonderers for me as I sail off on one of the Carnival Cruise ships. Please make plans to get involved now and come join us for what is shaping up as great festival for our parish family.
I want to address and issue that affects the Sunday Weekend Mass in the Church. I completely understand that there are many reasons for people and families to be late for Mass. However, over the last few months, people have been walking into Mass and seating themselves while the Readings and Psalm Response are taking place. This action is extremelydistracting for those proclaiming the word and for those already seated. I ask, please; if you are late for Mass, please wait and be seated after the readings for the Mass are completed. We will give you enough time to find a seat.
For 53 years, St Hyacinth has been building on the foundation of God’s promise of unconditional love for all people. We stand on the shoulders of the saints who have gone before us, and from this remarkable vantage point, we see what we must do to continue sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and welcoming all people to join us on this incredible journey. . There is no greater joy than making a difference in the world and in the Church, and I hope you will pray about the difference you can make through your generous support. To be successful, we need every St. Hyacinth member to participate in our Capital campaign. Your gift of sacrifice will reflect God’s love at work in the world for generations to come. Our challenge is great, but so too is our faith – a faith that has carried our church for a half a century. Just as the saints of the past took leaps of faith, preparing the way for future generations, so too will we take a leap of faith, imagining and building a vital St. Hyacinth for the next fifty years and beyond. Together we will continue Building faith Family and the future….. Our Sanctuary…. Our Home.