To disrupt the status quo would threatens the comfortable world around us. Jesus came to shake things up and by redefining the notion of resurrection, He shook things up during his time. The concept of an afterlife has only been articulated in Judaism about two centuries before Christ. Jesus wants to make it clear through the gospel that to be children of the resurrection is to be ready to commit ourselves into the hands of God, accepting that our relations with God surpasses any other human relationship.
The weekly parish budget is $15,795.43. This budget amount is cost to run this parish on a weekly basis. One of the principal goals of 2022 is to increase the number of people that are contributing to the Church through our electronic giving platform. We have over 1104 registered families here at STHY that maybe giving to our parish in the Sunday collection; however, we don’t have a record of them using their envelopes or electronic giving. You can enroll for online giving through .
I want to say a special thanks to everyone who has contributed to the 57th parish anniversary gift of a Statue of St. Hyacinth. Thanks to everyone’s generosity, we have surpassed our goal and have collected $19,076 for the Statue. Thank you for your generosity. The Statue is due to arrive to our parish the second week of December. Please keep your fingers crossed.
The Christmas season and the time for giving are just around the corner. The 2022 STHY Christmas gift list is has been released and this presents a great opportunity to support our parish in a special way to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Check out the list on line at and see how you can share the gift of Christmas with STHY.
We are organizing a Pilgrimage to the Marian shrines of Europe for October 2023 and all are welcome to sign up. Some of the places that we will be visiting are Fatima, Barcelona, Madrid, Lourdes, and Paris. From the dates of October 9th – 21st, 2023, we will be visiting historical religious sites and museums along with celebrating Mass throughout the tour. Tour information flyers are in the Narthex, or our website: and click the banner for the pilgrimage, or type in : or you can contact the parish office at 281-479-4298. There will be a special pilgrimage informational meeting on Wednesday November 9th at 7pm in which Inspirational Tours owner Moses Kano will be here to answer your questions in regard to the pilgrimage.
Next, on behalf of our SVDP society, I want to thank everyone for their contribution of food over the last few months. There has been a wonderful outpouring of support for the people that are less fortunate in our community. Even though SVDP has enough food for the time being, let us not forget all of those in need through the upcoming holiday season.
Finally, for the Month of November, The Book of the Names of the Dead will be in the Baptistery area of the Church for those who want to write the names of deceased loved ones whom we can pray for. One of the most beautiful responsibilities we have as Catholics is to pray for our dead. Through prayer, fasting and good works we offer on behalf of the deceased, we pray that God’s purification will be granted to all of the faithful departed so that they can obtain their soul’s desire, eternal life in heaven. In communion with the faithful departed as members of the Church, it is our responsibility and privilege to assist them with our prayers and holy works.