The readings from the Mass this week focus on the generosity of two destitute widows. First, from the book of kings we are shown a widow who is generous to the prophet Elijah with her last bit of surplus. In the Gospel, Jesus points to the generous widow who gives from her last. We are all called to emulate the widow’s faith. Jesus is very clear in the gospel this week when he tells us that we must keep our hearts centered on humble service of God and others.
Next weekend, please welcome Rev. Patrick Keyes, C.Ss.R., who is a dedicated Redemptorist Missionary Priest. will address our community about the crucial work undertaken by Redemptorist priests and brothers in their overseas missions in Brazil and Nigeria. A native of Milwaukee and ordained in 1989, Father Patrick has served as a formation director for Redemptorist students and has held pastoral roles in Colorado and Kansas, in addition to several years of ministry in Brazil. We warmly invite you to welcome Father Patrick and give your full attention to this significant appeal.
One of the principal goals of 2024 is to increase the number of people that are contributing to the Church through our electronic giving platform. We have over 1100 registered families here at STHY that maybe giving to our parish in the Sunday collection; however, we don’t have a record of them using their envelopes or electronic giving. You can enroll for online giving through .
For 2024, Cardinal DiNardo has assessed our parish DSF goal at $82,100. Go to: and give to DSF 2024. Thank you for your generosity. Our parish will receive a 50% rebate on every dollar raised over goal. Please remember that our parish is required to meet our goal, whether paid by us individually or paid from our general funds at the end of the year.
For the Month of November, The Book of the Names of the Dead will be in the Baptistery area of the Church for those who want to write the names of deceased loved ones whom we can pray for. In communion with the faithfully departed as members of the Church, it is our responsibility and privilege to assist them with our prayers and holy works.
Over the past 12 years, it has been my joy to serve you at St. Hyacinth, Cardinal DiNardo is now assigning me to serve as the pastor of St Laurence in Sugarland, which begins on November 25th. A new pastor of St. Hyacinth will be appointed in the near future. Please keep me in your prayers, and please know of my prayers and gratitude for each of you.