This weekend will be full of activities for our parish. This weekend is our commitment weekend for our IGNITE capital campaign. We have asked everyone in our parish to consider in one way or another to contribute to this archdiocese campaign to improve the ministry of our archdiocese. Our Goal Archdiocese IGNITE capital campaign is $750,000 over 3 ½ to 4 years with some $253,000 to be returned to the STHY earmarked for new lighting and flooring in Guyot Hall.
This Sunday, we will have the Rite of Welcome, also known as the Rite of Acceptance here at STHY. These Inquirers have already been attending RCIA sessions and are now ready to publicly declare their desire to continue their journey towards full initiation into the Catholic Church.
The Rite of Welcome ends and begins another stage in which for inquirers symbolizes that they are welcomed into a loving and spiritually nourishing home. Please be sure to welcome this year’s group of Inquirers to STHY, and to offer your support through your smile and your prayers and your welcome as they continue their journeys toward Easter.
The Angel Tree will be going up in up in our Church narthex next weekend. Please take the time before or after Mass next weekend to view the various tags on the tree to take it to make a purchase to help those in need this Christmas season. Thank you for your generosity.
Another opportunity for you to give is to the parish itself is going on right now. The 2019 STHY gift list is out and this presents a great opportunity to support our parish in a special way to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ. Check out the list in the bulletin or and see how you can share the gift of Christmas with STHY.
For the Month of November, The Book of the Names of the Dead will be in the Baptistery area of the Church for those who want to write the names of deceased loved ones whom we can pray for. One of the most beautiful responsibilities we have as Catholics is to pray for our dead. Through prayer, fasting and good works we offer on behalf of the deceased, we pray that God’s purification will be granted to all of the faithful departed so that they can obtain their soul’s desire, eternal life in heaven. In communion with the faithful departed as members of the Church, it is our responsibility and privilege to assist them with our prayers and holy works.
As we come to the end of the Church year, we can take this time to think about where we place our hope, our time and our resources. God is calling us to create more space for prayer, community and love. Jesus reminds us that there should always be room for more in our hearts and minds. As we seek increase, allow our hearts and minds to increase as well.
FORMED is the revolutionary digital online platform that gives STHY unprecedented access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and eBooks from the Church’s foremost presenters. With your free access to FORMED, 24/7 on your television, smart phone, laptop, I-pad, or Kindle, you can: Prepare for Mass, study the scriptures, watch religious movies and programs as a family, Enrich your marriage with the award winning video programs, and help your children grow in faith and character with engaging children’s materials. Our parish Password to is 77GVZ3.
The season of Advent begins on December 1st as we will begin to take 4 weeks to prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ! Are we ready for the Christ to come again? Are your hearts ready to receive our Savior? The four weeks leading up to Christmas mark the beginning of the Church’s new liturgical year. Advent is our time for reflection, meditation and preparation., offers an opportunity for all of us to learn more about our faith. For Advent, I want to encourage everyone to go to and go to ‘Opening the Word’ Year A and follow how the scriptures are presented for the Advent Season.
Next, I need to let everyone know that our Church boiler is not working and there is no heat to the Church. We are currently working with contractors to assess the best way to address of our aging boiler system to the Church.