A deeper belief in Jesus Christ and daily conversion are need by us to have a full relationship with Christ. We actively choose conversion when we examine the priorities of our lives. Jesus Christ has to be the first priority in life, because if He is not, something or someone else will be.
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis has encouraged the Church to have a special collection next weekend of October 21st and 22nd for The Society for the propagation of the Faith. This is Holy Father’s Chief missionary arm, providing resources for more than 1150 mission dioceses the world over. The special second collection next weekend will go towards the support of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith in their efforts to train some 80,000 seminarians preparing for the priesthood and about 10,000 men and women preparing to serve as religious brothers and sisters.
Next, everyone is invited to “Game of Crowns” which is our 4th anniversary presentation of the Dinner Theatre here at STHY that will be held next Saturday October 21st at 6:30 pm in Guyot Hall. Come and enjoy this interactive pursuit to solve the mystery and enjoy good food and fun fellowship. Proceeds from the benefit will support the STHY Music ministry program and activities.
Mark your calendars to join us for “Trunk or Treat” - our annual fun day for the young people of the parish on Saturday, October 28th from 4:00 pm -8:00 pm in Guyot Hall. At STHY we are always looking for ways to serve our neighbors and strengthen families, so we always look forward to this time to fellowship and get to know each other. Dress up the kids and come enjoy and celebrate the fall season.
On July 1, 2017 we began a new fiscal year at STHY as did all of the parishes in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. One of the chief responsibilities of a pastor is a sound management of the Church’s temporal goods and prudent and balanced management of all financial responsibilities. For the past two weeks, we have included copies of the 2016-2017 year end parish annual financial statement in the bulletins. There are additional copies of the financial statements in the narthex or you can go online to Sthaycinth.org to the parish finance tab to review the year end statements.
I can report that we are in good financial health at STHY. However, STHY’s finances going forward in 2017 and 2018 will be challenged by the increase in the cost of ministry obligations and the increase in the cost of the maintaining the aging infrastructures of the parish. TheChurch bills are being paid; we are ingood standing with all of our Archdiocesan obligations. The people of STHY are primarily responsible for that being the case. You continue to be generous stewards of God’s gifts to you and in turn we do our best to be good stewards of the gifts you share with the Church. I thank each of you for your continued sacrifice, week in and week out, to support the ministries and operations of our parish. Only with your support are we able to do the work of the Gospel. Thank you very much.
The projected FY 2018 budget is drastically conservative in nature, with collections forecast remaining basically flat for the year. Due to the challenges we face here at St. Hyacinth in the coming year, the budget cannot account for all of the major increase in the costs and expenses for ministry and to take care of our 47 year old Church building and our 33 year old Guyot Hall building.The Church, Guyot hall, Guyot Hall kitchen, Religious Education Building, and parking lot infrastructures are aging and need major attention and repairs in the very near future. This is main reason and objective goal for our Building Faith, Family and Future…. Our sanctuary … our Home… capital campaign. I pray that you’re continued giving will exceed our forecast. As our parish and ministries continue to do the work commissioned by Christ, we must all continue to be good stewards of God’s gifts so we can effectively serve those who seek to encounter Christ at STHY.
I ask that you prayerfully consider your weekly giving to the parish, and if it has remained at a constant and consistent level the past few years, please consider increasing it. Thank you for your generosity and prayers for our STHY community.