We are actively awaiting God’s call when we remain persistent in prayer, and listen to others in their time of need. We have the opportunity to respond now to the needs of all those that are in need of help. Our patient response in these and many other daily situations strengthens us to be faithful on our own journey to salvation. We serve God and God offers us salvation.
Thank you for your generous response to the call to provide disaster relief supplies over the past few weeks. The people of our church and community really came together do see to the needs of others. Across ours and surrounding communities, the response has been most heartening. The needs, however, are still great and in a constant state of flux. As I have said in Mass, the Storm may have past but people are still trying to put their lives back together.
I want to thank everyone who responded to our Stewardship and Ministry Fair this past weekend. We had a great number of people sign up for various ministries. Now it is time to show up. We have a lot of work to do in our community.
The Fall season is here and October is Respect Life Month with Sunday October 1st being Respect for Life Sunday. There will be a ‘Prayer Chain’ to witness against the horrors of abortion on Center Street. Those that are interested are called to meet in Guyot Hall at 1:30 pm and then gather on Center Street to stand silently from 2:00pm to 3:00 pm. If you are not able to be a part of the prayer chain, please pray for those who will be participating for our community.
Come join us this Fall for an exciting new parish bible study: Queen of Heaven: Mary’s Battle for Souls. Each lesson includes study commentaries written by leading Scripture Scholars and authors; references to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Papal encyclicals, Writings of the Early Church Fathers and the Saints. For your convenience, there will be on Tuesdays morning (9:30 am- 11:30am) and Tuesday evening classes (6:30 pm- 8:30pm) The two groups meet once a week in the Meeting Room 2. Registration fee is $25.00 to cover the cost of materials.
The STHY Knights of Columbus will be celebrating Oktoberfest on Saturday October 14th from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Please come by the celebration since it is a great fall festival for our parish and community.
“The Game of Crowns” Is our 4th anniversary presentation of the Dinner Theatre here at STHY that will be held on Saturday October 21st at 6:30 pm in Guyot Hall. Come and enjoy this interactive pursuit to solve the mystery and enjoy good food and fun fellowship. Proceeds from the benefit will support the STHY Music ministry program.
And finally, we need to address the ongoing issues and problems of the Adoration Chapel. People are simply not showing up for adoration. The Blessed Sacrament should not and cannot be left alone. Currently we are recruiting Adoration coordinators and adorers for the Chapel. Please sign up at the on line or come by and call the parish office. The Adoration Chapel will go back to a 24 hour 7 day a week schedule when we have the Chapel coordinators and adores in place.
Now that we have moved into the fall season here at STHY, and our ministry fair being the success that it was, please participate in the ministries that you have signed up for. There is literally something for everyone. Not a day goes by that there isn’t something happening somewhere on our campus. Please check the calendar section of our website: www.sthyacinth.org to find the many ministries and activities, plus days and times when they meet.