Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
The month of October is Respect Life Month with today being Respect for Life Sunday. For Respect Life Sunday, we will stand against the horrors of abortion on Center Street. Those that are interested in the Life Chain project on Center Street are called to meet in Guyot Hall immediately after the Noon Mass today and then gather on Center Street to stand silently from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm.
Marriage is a gift. When two people are joined they share in the job of bringing God to the world by making His love visible. Each person leaves their own family to form a new family of love.
Jesus’ teachings about marriage can be difficult to hear in a world that has difficulties with commitment and broken by sin. We who are the church need to offer our support to marriage and to those who, perhaps for reasons beyond our knowledge, need to live outside of their marriage.
One of the principal goals of 2024 is to increase the number of people that are contributing to the Church through our electronic giving platform. We have over 1000 registered families here at STHY that may be giving to our parish in the Sunday collection; however, we don’t have a record of them using their envelopes or electronic giving. You can enroll for online giving through
For 2024, Cardinal DiNardo has assessed our parish DSF goal at $81,200. Go to: and give to DSF 2024. Thank you for your generosity. Please remember that our parish is required to meet our goal, whether paid by us individually or paid from our general funds at the end of the year.
Finally, I want to thank everyone for giving me their birthday wishes. It is wonderful to celebrate another year. I am blessed by having you all in my life.
God Bless,
Fr. Reginald Samuels