In our Gospel reading this week we are told of the parable of the two sons. This parable is about a father who asked his two sons to work in his vineyard. One son said he would not go to work, but later changed his mind and went. The other son said he would go but did not go to work. Jesus asked his listeners, who were the chief priests and elders, which son did the will of the father. They answered that the first son did. Jesus then told those listening that the tax collectors and prostitutes, who repented and believed in John the Baptist’s message, were like the first son. They would enter the kingdom of God before the religious leaders, who were like the second son. They claimed to obey God, but rejected John and did not believe in Jesus. There are several main issues in which the parable points out. First, the parable rebukes the religious leaders for their hypocrisy and self-righteousness. The religious leaders of the time did not practice what they preached, and they did not accept God’s invitation to repent and follow Jesus. Next, the parable shows the difference between saying and doing God’s will. God values obedience and not just profession. He looks at the heart, not just the outward appearance. Finally, the parable illustrates the grace of God for sinners who turn to him in faith. God welcomes those who humble themselves and acknowledge their need for forgiveness. God does not reject anyone who comes to him sincerely, no matter their past sins.
One of the principal goals of 2023 is to increase the number of people that are contributing to the Church through our electronic giving platform. We have over 1000 registered families here at STHY that maybe giving to our parish in the Sunday collection; however, we don’t have a record of them using their envelopes or electronic giving. You can enroll for online giving through
In celebration of our parish 58th anniversary, this year’s parish project, the entire community of St Hyacinth is being asked to provide support for the renovation and restoration of the two main stain glass windows of the Church. To support this project, please go to to donate. We hope to raise $75,000 for the renovation and restoration of our Holy Spirit Window and Christ the Good Shepherd window. Thank you for your generosity. For 2023, Cardinal DiNardo has assessed our parish DSF goal at $85,000. Go to: and give to DSF 2023. Thank you for your generosity. Please remember that our parish is required to meet our goal, whether paid by us individually or paid from our general funds at the end of the year.
The month of October is Respect Life Month with October 1st being Respect for Life Sunday. For Respect Life Sunday, we will witness the horrors of abortion on Center Street. Those that are interested in the Life Chain project on Center Street are called to meet in Guyot Hall immediately after the noon Mass today and then gather on Center Street to stand silently from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm.
Finally, next, Saturday on October 7th at 9:00 am in the center street parking lot, we will have our Annual blessing of the Animals. The custom of blessing of the animals originated in the 13th century and is attributed to the St. Francis of Assisi, who had a great care and respect of the creatures of the earth.