Contact Us
281- 479 - 4298
What are the parish office hours and contact information?
Monday :1:00pm - 4:00 pm.
Tuesday - Friday : 8:30-4:00pm
Parish Office Phone Number: 281- 479- 4298
How do I register for the Parish?
You may register online with the Join the Parish Form, pick up a Registration form in the (narthex) foyer of the church, or from the Parish office, or by contacting the Parish office at 281-479-4298.
How do I update my membership information?
If you move and have a new address, get a new phone number, have a change in marital status, or you leave the parish, you may update your information online with the Parishioner Update Form online or call the Parish office at 281-479-4298.
How do I get my child baptized?
The Archdiocese of Galveston Houston requires that both parents attend a Baptism Preparation Class to have their child baptized.
All parties seeking to have thier child baptized MUST register on line at
For more details in regards to baptism, please contact Deacon Charles Pitman at [email protected] or 281-479-4298.
Older children (over the age of 7) must be baptized before they receive the other sacraments. Please contact the Faith Formation Office at 281-479-4298 for more details.
How do I get a copy of my/my child's Baptismal Certificate? Letter of Member in Good Standing? Other Documentation?
Go To : and request the baptismal Certificate.
What do I need to do to become Catholic?
If you are interested in becoming Catholic, you will need to go through the RCIA program. We have RCIA Inquiry Sessions on Sundays to explain the program and allow you to ask questions. Check the website or bulletin for the next date.
You may also call Pamela Johnson at 281-479-8832 or [email protected]
I have a loved one is in the hospital and would like a pastoral visit.
Please contact the Parish Office at 281-479-4298. Due to federal law, the hospital can no longer disclose to us if our parishioners are hospitalized. In case of an emergency after office hours, please leave a message.
My Loved One just died. I don't know where to start. What do I need to do to plan the funeral?
We are very sorry for your loss and would like to help you with your funeral planning. We do our best to honor the memory of your loved one and offer you comfort in your grief. Call the Parish Office at 281-479-4298
I am in need of assistance, who can I call:
You can get assistance by calling the Society of St. Vincen de Paul for St Hyacinth at: 281 - 497- 3131
Who do I talk to about registering my child for religious education classes?
At St. Hyacinth, we strive to give our children firm foundation in their faith in which they can base a life-long journey of faith formation.
Faith Formation holds sessions on Sundays
What do I need to do for my child to make his or her First Communion?
The diocese requires children to have at least 2 years of faith formation to prepare for their sacraments. Most of our children do this beginning in first grade and finishing in May of their second-grade year. We do have programs for older children too.
Call the Parish Faith Formation Office at 281-479-8832 for more information.