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281- 479 - 4298
O Lord my God, I cried to You for help, and You healed me.
-- Psalm 30:2
St. Hyacinth supports CHI St. Luke's - Patients Hospital in Pasadena with volunteer Pastoral Care Workers.
Each worker takes at least one 3-hour shift per week to visit with patients and their families of every faith. They pray with patients if asked, but this ministry is more about being a good listener.
Training in hospital pastoral care and hospital policy is provided by St. Luke's-Patients. The Archdiocese also strongly suggests volunteers go through its hospital chaplaincy program.
Volunteers are also required to be tested for hepatitis yearly; the hospital provides testing.
To join or for more information, contact:
Jan and Jim Townsend, 713-550-0699 or [email protected].