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Marriage Unique for a Reason: An initiative of the USCCB, this site offers resources to assist with the education and catechesis of Catholics on why marriage is unique and why it should be promoted and protected as the union of one man and one woman. Each of the videos in this initiative, with its companion written material, is intended to be used by a priest, deacon, catechist, or teacher. While the materials are primarily intended for a Catholic audience, it is hoped thatMarriage: Unique for a Reason can be of assistance to all people of good will who seek to understand the truth and beauty of marriage.
For Your Marriage: Also from the USCCB, this site contains blogs, reflections, reviews and relationship and parenting advice from counselors, clergy and married Catholic couples.
World Wide Marriage Encounter: This organization's mission is to assist couples and priests to live fully intimate and responsible relationships by providing them with a Catholic “experience” and ongoing community support for such a lifestyle.