Jesus has been called by a master storyteller. He has demonstrated throughout the gospels how to weave a story in order to teach important lessons about being a disciple. Jesus is especially creative in using images and metaphors from creation as we witness in our gospel this week.
Jesus tells us in the parable that the kingdom of God is like seeds scattered by the farmer. The farmer does not have to do anything to further the growth of the seeds, and he must learn to practice patience. We are all called to practice patience. God calls us to listen and respond to His wisdom for us to allow ourselves to grow in our relationship with Him and others.
Preparation and registration has begun for the Archdiocesan Youth Conference (AYC) which gathers participants from all over the local Church. AYC is the largest evangelizing event for older adolescents that the Archdiocese hosts annually. The youth conference will be held at the Hilton Americas Hotel on July 26-28, 2024. To Register for AYC go to AYC 2024 ( If you are interested in making a donation towards the AYC scholarship fund to help a youth of our parish attend who are unable to afford the full price, it would be GREATLY appreciated. One of our parish goals in 2024 is to increase the number of families supporting St Hyacinth using electronic and online giving. Currently we less than 200 families using electronic giving. You can register in less than five minutes by logging and simply go to the online giving page on our website and sign up for online giving at Next, mark your calendar for August 18, 2024 for the celebration of the 59th anniversary of our parish. Planning has already begun for the celebration of our parish with, food, fun and prizes. We will have further details as the weeks go by on how we can make the celebrations of our parish a wonderful event for the church and community.
Next, I want to thank everyone who has wished me weyll for the celebration of 15 years of Priesthood. It has been a remarkable journey. Just remember, I have spent 12 of the 15 years of my priesthood as Pastor of St. Hyacinth. You all are a blessing to me.
Finally, I want to wish all the Fathers of our parish a happy and blessed Father's Day.