In this Sunday’s gospel Jesus tells a parable about sowing of the seed. The parable questions whether we are receptive to the word of God in our lives. Jesus is both the sower and the seed, what we receive when we open our hearts to his work is Jesus himself. The fruit that we bear is the very life that Jesus calls us to have. Words are so widely scattered and sown in our daily lives. We experience this in social media and television. God’s word is sown in our hearts; we face a choice to tune or tune out to God. I want to thank everyone who was a part of the STHY VBS 2017. VBS 2017 was a great success with a record number of kids that were a part of the fun activities. This year’s theme was “Maker Fun Factory”. This year we had over 50 teen and adult volunteers helping our young people grow in their relationship with Christ and the Church. I want to give a special thanks to our Co-Director of Faith Formation, Mrs. Pamela Johnson, and Faith Formation Executive Assistant, Wendy McCall, long with hear volunteers, Mrs. Maria Mays and the host of our teen volunteers and adult volunteers who made VBS 2017 possible. Church attendance during the summer months tends to drop off as vacations and weekend sporting events often conflict. On the other hand, the services St. Hyacinth provide with the parish and for the larger community continue year round, as do their associated expenses. Thus, your consistent financial support of our parish is vital to achieving our stewardship mission. The easiest way to be sure that your gift of treasure reaches us, even when you can’t be here, is through enrollment in our electronic offertory program: Faith Direct. Enrollment forms are available in the Church Narthex and the Church office or you can visit Faith Direct’s secure website at to enroll on line. Our parish code is TX526. As always, know that your generosity is truly a gift from God. There will be several projects that STHY will be working on during the months of July and August. 1st, we will be working on creating a nursery in room 1 in the Religious Education building. There have been a number of parishioners requesting that we open a nursery to accommodate the youngest of our parish. The nursery should be up and running by the end of August. Next, work on repainting and refurbishing a number of the classrooms in the Religious Education building will start during this time as well. There have been an increase in the number of activities in our facilities over the years and these classrooms need some attention. This project should be completed by the end of August as well. And finally, we are planning to make a number of repairs to the Guyot Hall kitchen along with addressing lighting issues in walkway area infront of Guyot Hall. Next, ACTS retreats have enriched the lives of thousands of people; men and women, teens throughout our Archdiocese. It has reinvigorated the spiritual lives of individuals, of families, of entire parishes. The way this wonderful program came to be is a beautiful blend of the Holy Spirit and those who listen to His words. ACTS missions spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ among Catholic communities by promoting, consulting in, facilitating and coordinating ACTS retreats. According to the accounts of people who have experienced ACTS retreats, attendees have credited ACTS with saving their lives, saving their marriages, convincing them to be ordained as priests or deacons, or leading them to the religious life, simply by opening their eyes and their hearts to God's word. We are offering our next Men’s ACTS retreat July 25-28th. I want to encourage all the Men of STHY to think about attending this ACTS retreat and be renewed in your relationship with God. This weekend, we will have members of our STHY ACTS team talk after all the Masses this weekend to encourage the men of STHY to attend this life changing retreat. Thanks to all those who have made their pledges for the capital campaign. Thank you for your generosity and sacrifice. I am happy to say we have reached a major milestone at the $1 Million pledge level; however we still have a ways to go. We entrust this campaign to the intercession of Our Blessed Mother and our patron St Hyacinth. As your pastor, I invite you all to discern how best you are able to support our capital campaign to build Family, Faith and Future… our Sanctuary…. Our Home.