Jesus tells us this week, “Remain in me, as I remain in you”. We are all connected. Without connection to God we will dry up and wither on the vines when we are not connected to one another. Like branches need a strong wine in order
In the gospel message, we are given a new image of Jesus to explore and incorporate into our lives. The vine and the branches hold to each other that it is impossible for them to be separated. This is the closeness that Jesus desires to have with each and every one of us. Just as a branch clings to the vine and is able to bear fruit, the fruit of our won spiritual lives comes from our connection to the lord.
One of our parish goals in 2024 is to increase the number of families supporting St Hyacinth using electronic giving. Currently we have 200 families using electronic giving and hopefully by the end of the year we can have at least 325 families of STHY on Faith Direct. The number of 325 families represents 20% of our parish population of registered parishioners. You can register in less than five minutes by logging and going to the online giving page on the website. However, I do want to address the approximately the over 1000 registered families here at STHY that we have no record of your giving to the Church. We do acknowledge that many are giving to the Church through the weekend collection; however, STHY needs you start moving toward electronic giving. In this way we can account for all those who are a part of the parish that are truly giving and it is an expense of the church for envelopes to be mailed to registered families. We currently spend close to $10K a year on offertory envelopes and if we could use our electronic giving, this would reduce the expense of mailed offertory envelopes dramatically.
I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the Stain Glass Restoration project for St. Hyacinth. We have made our goal of $75,000 for the restoration and preservation of our windows of the Church. Thank you for your generosity and support. The next phase of the restoration project is projected to start this summer.
Today we start our annual Parish Spring Festival. This will be our eighth festival for our parish in close to 20 years. The Springs Festival theme this year is “Almost Gone with the Wind”. I hope everyone had fun at our kickoff celebration last night with Bingo and fun. This weekend is shaping up to be a big weekend for our parish.
I want to thank everyone who has been involved in bringing this festival to our parish. Please come out and join us for what is shaping up as great festival for our parish family. I want to give a special thank you to our Spring Festival Chairman Mr. Rual Turner. who stepped up to the plate this year and helped us move forward with the Spring Festival. Next, I want to thank all our volunteers who have been working hard on this festival as well. Please come out today and have a great time at the festival. This day will be filled with games, food and prizes.