Due to the presentation of the RCIA rite of the Scrutinizes this Sunday, this week’s Sunday readings and Gospel will be taken from the Cycle A readings. In the Gospel, Mary and Martha’s relationship with Jesus brought them to believe in his power. Jesus comforts us all in our sorrows, and our faith is strengthened by our encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist. Jesus comes to us like he came to March and Mary with an invitation to believe that Jesus’ own death and resurrection have meaning for us in the messiness of our daily life.
St Hyacinth is not without its share of issues with the facilities and there is not a week that goes by that we don’t have contractors on the facilities making repairs and improvements. In the next few weeks and months we will be working on several projects to improve and repair the facilities. First, repairs to the main Church will include the AC and Heating systems, the electrical systems, flooring, pews and outside walk way. For Guyot Hall, we are working on repairing some of the appliances as well as the sound system. Both the appliances and the sound system are over 36 years old and will need to be replaced in the near future.
Mark your calendars for Sunday May 6th, for our annual Parish Spring Festival. This will be our sixth festival for our parish in close to 20 years. The Springs Festival theme this year is “70’s Disco” Raffle ticket packets are available and are on sale now. I highly encourage you to make your commitment to helping our parish at the festival and pick of a ticket packet to sell.
I want to address and issue that affects the Sunday Weekend Mass in the Church. I completely understand that there are many reasons for people and families to be late for Mass. However, over the last few months, people have been walking into Mass and seating themselves while the Readings and Psalm Response are taking place. This action is extremelydistracting for those proclaiming the word and for those already seated. I ask, please; if you are late for Mass, please wait and be seated after the readings for the Mass are completed. We will give you enough time to find a seat.
STHY will celebrate Passover with our 4rd Annual Seder Meal on Saturday March 24th following the 5:00 pm Mass. The Seder meal is a ceremonial dinner that commemorates the Jewish exodus from Egypt and includes the reading from the Old Testament and the eating of symbolic foods. Tickets are $15/family and $10/individual. You may make a reservation by calling the parish office. Please RSVP the parish office by Friday March 23rd and join us for this special event in the life of our parish.
Next Sunday, We will commemorate the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, being greeted by the peoples with the waving of palms on Palm Sunday. Before the start of all next weekend’s Palm Sunday mass celebrations, we will have a solemn formal procession starting in Guyot Hall to the entrance of the main Church.
On Good Friday March 30th, there will be a special live Stations of the Cross at 5:30 pm. Our own young people from the current 2018 confirmation class will be performing the Stations of the Cross. Please use this time to contemplate what Jesus accomplished on the cross for us, and to pray for and support the young people in our parish.
Let’s take a look ahead to the Holy Week schedule. Our Holy Week schedule is as follows: Holy Thursday 7:00 pm; Good Friday Service 3:00 pm; Easter Vigil, Saturday Evening 8:30 pm. Easter Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 Noon. With all those masses and services we will be stretched thin on ministers to help cover the many needs of the Holy Week Liturgy. In particular I am asking our Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion to please sign up to assist at one (or two) masses if at all possible. Same goes for our Sacristans, Acolytes, Altar Servers, Ushers and Greeters. We will have a lot of visitors with us this Easter season and we need your presence, please.
As we move into the Holy Season of Easter, We will be a witness to the Sacraments of Initiation as we continue mission of Jesus Christ by welcoming our new members to the Church through baptism and the profession of faith. Please pray for the candidates and catechumens and they continue their journey into full communion in the Church.