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Fifth Week of Lent
This gospel this week speaks of the resurrection, give us grace to rice from our sins, to come out of our tombs, and with the voice of Jesus, calling us to go out, to go to him. Hope in times so fear, panic and death. Jesus comes to our community as strength, hope, enables us to come out of our tombs and believe in him.
Please pray for the youth of our parish. The annual Confirmation retreat was held this weekend. Please welcome back the Youth of our parish from their retreat experience. The Youth will be returning to the parish and will be present at the 10:00 am Mass.
The confirmation Mass will be held on this Wednesday March 29, at 7:00 pm. Please welcome Auxiliary Bishop, Italo Del’ Oro to St Hyacinth once again for Confirmation. Please continue praying for our 2023 Confirmation Candidates.
Next, this weekend, we will have Saturday March 25th 5:00 pm Mass with Confessions at 3:00 pm. For Sunday, March 26th there will be the 8:00 am and 10:00 am Mass. See you at one of the Masses this weekend.
Next, the Music Ministry Choir led by our Director of Music and Liturgy, Mrs. Pamela Pitman, will present the Annual Easter Cantata Sunday, April 2nd at 3:00 pm here at the main Church. Please come out and support the music ministry of our parish. You can get a preview of the Easter music online at Facebook.
Please remember that the tornado storm destroyed all our parish systems and we do not have phones, computers, or systems, so I ask for patience as we move to restoration. If you need to contact someone at the parish, please use email. Contact information is on the website at
Next, please continue to pay special attention to parish updates on Facebook, Flock Notes, and the parish website, for information regarding moving forward with parish activities regarding Faith Formation and Liturgy.
Please continue to pray for the St. Hyacinth Staff who have continually working diligently to make sure that the work of the St. Hyacinth continues even during this trying time without systems or infrastructure.
God Bless
Fr. Reginald Samuels