There are many voices competing for our attention. The gospel this week challenges us to become familiar with Christ in a new and different way. If we are familiar with the shepherds’ voice, then we will not stray, however, if we ignore the voice of the shepherd, we can get lost very fast. When we falter or stray, Jesus will call us by name back to the path of life.
Today is our annual Parish Spring Festival. This will be our fifth festival for our parish in close to 20 years. The Springs Festival theme this year is ‘Rock Around the Clock ….Sock Hop’. I hope everyone had fun at our kick off celebration last night with at the Sock Hop and dance in Guyot Hall. This weekend is shaping up to be a big weekend for our parish.
I want to thank everyone who has been involved in bringing this festival to our parish. Please come out and join us for what is shaping up as great festival for our parish family. I want to give a special thank you to our Spring Festival Chairman Raul Turner. Raul has worked very hard this year to make our Spring Festival a joyous event.
I want to say congratulations to all of our young people who have received their First Eucharist this past Saturday in the second of two First Eucharist Masses here at STHY. I want to thank Mrs. Pamela Johnson Co-Director of Faith Formation and Evangelization, and Ms. Barbara Mackie, Co-Director, along with our team of Catechist for their work of religious formation in First Eucharist preparations.
Speaking of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the sharing of the Eucharist, on Tuesday, June 22nd at 7:00 pm we will have our Mass of Confirmation with Bishop George Sheltz. St. Hyacinth has 50 young people being confirmed this year. We congratulate all of our teens, their sponsors and families and pray that the Holy Spirit will always guide them.
Summer is almost here and that means Vacation Bible School. Registration has begun for this yearly event which will be held July 10th -14th in Guyot Hall. This year’s theme will be “Maker Fun Factory”. VBS, kids experience God’s Word in surprising and unforgettable ways. This VBS event is a wonderful time for our young people to explore their relationship with Christ and the Church. Last year VBS had over 140 kids participating along with over 50 teen and adult volunteers helping our young people grow in their relationship with Christ and the Church. If you have time to volunteer this summer, the Vacation Bible School would be a great place for you to help. Please continue to pray for the young people of our parish.
Over the last few months, there has been a major demand for emergency food and the supply of donated food has not kept up with demand. I am encouraging everyone here at STHY to support the St. Vincent De Paul’s food drive efforts by donating food items for the pantry to meet the increase in demand and restock our food shelves. There are St. Vincent De Paul food barrel in the Narthex of our church and Guyot Hall for your donated food items. The SVDP food drive will be on going. Thank you for your generosity.
As of the current totals on our Capitol Campaign, we are currently shy $3192.00 from the $1 million level, with 400 participants. Thanks to all those who have made their pledges for the capital campaign. Thank you for your generosity and sacrifice.
This is a wonderful parish and faith community and I assure you that I am very fortunate to be your Pastor. I know that you will do whatever you can to make this campaign a success. We entrust this campaign to the intercession of Our Blessed Mother and our patron St Hyacinth. Thanking you in advance for your response in faith. As your pastor, I invite you to discern how best you are able to support this capital campaign to build Family, Faith and Future… our Sanctuary…. Our Home.