This Sunday St. Paul tells us that without love “ I am nothing”. In our lives as Christians we are called to follow the example of St . Paul Jesus. As we accept our call, we can strive with the help of the Holy Spirit to love the way in which God has challenged us to love.
DSF 2019 starts in a few weeks with “DSF Commitment Sunday.” Cardinal DiNardo is sending everyone an appeal letter and pledge card and he wants to encourage each and every one to become involved with DSF 2019. I know that we are in difficult economic times, yet each of us has been blessed in so many ways, and we are called to share those blessings with others. Please bring your personalized pledge cards to Mass the weekend of February 16th and 17th or mail them in or go on-line and make your commitment. We reached 96% of our DSF goal for 2018, and the parish has to pay approximately $2,931 out of our operating funds to shore up the deficit.
I send out my sincere thanks to all who made a pledge for our Building Faith, Family and Future … our Sanctuary, our Home… Capital Campaign. I truly appreciate your generosity and support. To make a donation, Envelopes are in the Narthex along with our collection box specifically designed for our Capital campaign or you can do so online through the parish website. Thank you for doing your part to help us reach our goal.
There is a new Safe environment program that is offered by the Archdiocese of Galveston Houston. The CMG Safe Haven online training is replacing the VIRTUS training. The training consists of 3 vignette style training videos that is approximately 60 minutes and will include a criminal background check that must be completed. We will no longer offer live trainings; all Safe Environment trainings will only be available online. All individuals must complete the training and complete a background check prior to the start of employment and/or volunteer service in the Church. Go to: click the Safe Environment banner at St.
Now that the list of clergy accused of sexual misconduct is published, what do we do? First of all, pray for those — especially our precious children — who have been hurt by the evil actions of those in the Church. There is no excuse for such depravity, and clergy should be held to the highest standard. We should help those abused with counseling, love and respect for bringing these grave offenses into the light, at times at great cost to their hearts and souls.
At the same time, we must not allow the sins of a few to discourage our faith in the Church. Our eyes need to be fixed on Christ alone! Some have become bitter and even left the Church. Please do not let the sins of a few drive you away from the graces of our sacraments. Doing so only hurts our own hearts. Some have decided to cease any giving to their parish or the larger church. This only hurts the work of the Church’s mission to serve the many who come to her for help. We minister to those in prisons, hospitals, schools, the elderly, immigrants, etc. with soup kitchens, housing, medicine, etc.
The work of the Church must continue even in the midst of crisis. The Mystical Body of Christ is called to love even in the midst of sin and failure. I cannot imagine saying that we should cease good behavior because of the sin of others. Let us rise up in a wave of great faith and holiness and show our world that sin will not conquer.
Let us not give any more power to evil than it already has. We cannot change what was, but we can bring a renewed vigor to our Church. We began the rebuilding some 17 years ago with the Dallas Charter. We still have a way to go to restore trust in the Church and with the release of this list, I for one, believe that together we will strive for change and conversion as disciples who follow a merciful Savior.
Finally, last week I wanted to let everyone know that the boiler for the Church is not working which means that there is no heat for the Church, the older parts of Parish facilities and offices. The new part of the Education building and Guyot Hall are not affected and has heat. We are still currently ascertaining the condition of the boiler; however, and as of this week,w e are looking at about $5000.00 in repairs. We will keep everyone informed on the condition.