Throughout the gospels Jesus prays publically and privately, in front of the crowds and in small group settings with his own disciples. He prays and today he is challenging us to place pray back into the main focus of our lives. Prayer is more than just an action; it is a way of being, and a way of living out our relationship with Jesus Christ and the Father. However, the hardest lesson we have to learn about prayer is that prayer does not change God, prayer changes us.
August is almost here and that means that we will be celebrating the commemoration of our St Hyacinth Feast day and Parish 54th anniversary. We will have our St Hyacinth Parish Feast day celebrations with a reception, games and prizes in Guyot Hall after the Sunday Noon Mass on August 18th. Let us all make plans to join in the celebration of the life of our parish.
The Summer can be a very busy time for families and during the vacation season it is easy to forget that STHY needs your donations. Setting up recurring donations with Faith Direct is an easy way to make sure STHY still receives your donations while you're away. Enrollment forms are available in the Narthex, Church office or you can visit Faith Direct’s secure website at to enroll on line. Our parish code is TX526.Thank you for your continued support of our parish family with your time, talent and treasure! I will be keeping you and your families in prayer during your summer travels!
Religious Education classes will be starting in a few weeks’ time, and now is the time to start thinking about the upcoming religious Education school year. Registration is currently in progress. You can register on line or register in Faith Formation office during Sunday hours.
Remember as well that when you are registering your child for Religious Education classes you can also sign-up yourself to be a catechist or aide. We are in great need of a number of catechists to teach our children, from the littlest ones in the early grades on through middle school and high school. It’s a wonderful way to get involved in the life of the parish and to live out the call of Stewardship of your time and talent. We’ll train you and give you all the support you need. The Faith Formation staff is happy to answer questions and get you involved.
One of our goals for 2019 is to increase the number of people using our electronic formats for the dissemination of information from our parish. We have our website:, which is updated almost daily with information about the activities that go on in the parish. There is Flocknotes, which is our information delivery service for the parish, in which we email and or text information about the activities of the parish. Go to and join the group “Parishioners”. We are on Facebook, go and ‘like’ our Facebook page at .
As this summer continues, I want to encourage everyone to use their summer down time to go to FORMED is a digital online platform that gives STHY parish members unprecedented access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and eBooks from the Church’s foremost presenters. With your free access to FORMED, 24/7 on your television, smart phone, laptop, I-pad, or Kindle, you can:
Prepare for Mass each week by watching an insightful five-minute video on the Sunday Readings.
Study the Scriptures at your own pace and time.
Enjoy movies as a family that are both nourishing and entertaining.
Enrich your marriage with the award winning video program Beloved.
Help your children grow in faith and character with engaging children’s materials.
Soo I am asking every family to use their free access to all the amazing content on FORMED. Our parish Password to is 77GVZ3.
Finally, repair work on the Center Street parking lot will begin on Monday August 5th. The Center Street parking lot will be closed to ongoing traffic until the work of repairing the parking lot is done. For those attending daily Mass, Tuesday through Friday, we ask you to park on the ‘P’ Street side of the Church. The Adoration Chapel will be closed starting 1:00 pm Sunday August 4th and should reopen Saturday August 10th at 9:00 am. (Barring any inclement weather during the week). Thank you for your patience as we work to improve the Church facilities.