Special announcement: St Hyacinth boiler is no longer working and can no longer be repaired due to its age. This means that there will be no heat to the main Church complex this weekend. I ask for everyone’s patience and to please bring a jacket to mass until we are able to move forward with solving the heating issue in the Church.
In the time of Jesus, people with certain diseases were viewed as unclean in the eyes of the community. To protect others from infection, those with the disease were isolated from society. When Jesus responds to and heals the leaper, he is affirming the desire to bring health and wholeness to the individual and community broken by separation.
For Ash Wednesday (February 17th) at STHY, we will be offering one Mass and three Liturgies of the Word services with ashessprinkled on the crown of the head. Mass time is 8:00 am; Liturgy of the Word services with ashes sprinkled on the crown of the head: 6:00 am, 12:00 Noon, and 7:00 pm. These liturgies will require our entire ministry teams’ presence, so please make sure to sign up.
Due to COVID restrictions, the Church has directed all the parishes throughout the United States and the world to update how Ash Wednesday is carried out. Please notice that instead of imprinting the cross on the forehead on Ash Wednesday, ministers will be sprinkling ashes on the crown (top) of the head. This action will be dramatically different from what has taken place in the past. Thank you for your patient as we move through this pandemic.
Last weekend DSF 2021 weekend and our mission is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. I want to thank all of you who have responded to our annual Diocesan Service Fund (DSF) drive over the years. For 2021, Cardinal DiNardo has assessed our parish DSF goal at $80,000. DSF supports more than 60 ministries and programs that serve the faithful of the Archdiocese and us here at St. Hyacinth. It’s truly our baptism calling for generosity as the Cardinal calls us to “Walk in the Light of Christ”
DSF participation enables us to impact the lives of thousands of our Archdiocesan brothers and sisters through the evangelizing, healing, nurturing and pastoral ministries of the Church. Being Disciples of Christ leads us naturally to the act of helping those who stand in need. These realities, discipleship and generosity, make up the fabric of the Christian life in which each day is lived in a personal relationship with our Lord, because each day is lived in love. Our dedication is expressed in deeds of service and support.
DSF Envelopes can be found in the Narthex of the Church. Any amount is most welcome. You can place it in the offertory, mail it or drop it by the office, or go on-line and donate electronically. Simply go to https://www.archgh.org/ways-to-give/diocesan-services-fund-dsf/ and in several simple steps your pledge and donation can be completed. Let us prayerfully discern God’s call so that we too might join with the faithful throughout the archdiocese to follow the Lord in this great work.