The catechism of the Church says of Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick: "By the sacred anointing of the sick and the prayer of the priests the whole Church commends those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord, that he may raise them up and save them. And indeed, she exhorts them to contribute to the good of the People of God by freely uniting themselves to the Passion and death of Christ."
In our Gospel reading this weekend, we witness Jesus as he heals the man with leprosy. Jesus would have been aware of the stigmas against the people with leprosy. Yet Jesus dos not back away and heals the man. Jesuses’ action reminds us of the healing powers that he possesses and how He is calling us to go out and lay hands and pray for other individuals that are sick as well.
At all the masses this weekend, we will invite everyone who is going through a major illness to come forward to be anointed along with inviting the community to pray for all those who are ill in our community.
Last week was the launch of the 2024 DSF campaign. Every year, the Diocesan Services Fund provides support to over 64 vital ministries throughout our Archdiocese. The fund helps support Catholic educational efforts in our parishes and through our network of Catholic schools; DSF supports our Catholic Chaplain Corps, which enables priests and lay ministers to visit the sick and the homebound; the fund helps to support programs which ministers to the homeless; and DSF also helps to take care of retired clergy and supports seminarians in formation at St. Mary’s Seminary.
This year, Cardinal DiNardo specifically highlights the incredible work throughout the archdiocese As Cardinal DiNardo notes, all of these ministries are made possible because we, the People of God in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston, come together as a family and support these works so that we may live out the call of the Gospels; that we may better imitate Christ in our own communities.
St Hyacinth, like every parish in the Archdiocese, has a set goal for the 2024 Diocesan Services Fund. Currently our goal is $81,200. Your help is crucial in meeting this goal, which will provide the necessary funds for the ministries that help hundreds of thousands every year. If we as a parish beat our goal, we will see a 50% return of every dollar by which we exceed our goal and the remaining funds will go to assist the parishes with the greatest need. Additionally, our parish will receive 50% back on every donation made by first time donors, so your help is crucial! Last year, we missed our goal by $8,000. The deficit was paid out of our parish funds.
So I ask you to join me in supporting the DSF. Whether you are able to give a little, or you’re able to give a little more, we as a community must once again come together to support these good works of our local Church, and spread the Good News, all for the Glory of God. Information on how you can support the Diocesan Services Fund can be found in the bulletin, and online at Thank you for your prayers and support.