The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, also known as Corpus Christi, is a solemnity that celebrates the real presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. The feast day originated in the 13th century and was extended to the whole Church by Pope Urban IV in 1264. It is often marked by processions with the Blessed Sacrament.
This week we are called to reflect on Jesus’ gift of his very own body and blood in the context of our developing a notion of discipleship. This solemnity challenges us to move our Eucharistic piety beyond prayer and liturgy to a lived, expression of the love that the Eucharist embodies. We as Catholics believe in the transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ. Now we are called through the Eucharist to allow transformation in ourselves to take place to become Disciples of Christ.
Next, mark your calendar for August 18,2024 for the celebration of the 59th anniversary of our parish. Planning has already begun for the celebration of our parish with, food, fun and prizes. We will have further details as the weeks go by on how we can make the celebrations of our parish a wonderful event for the church and community.
This weekend STHY will conduct the Archdiocese annual Corpus Christi collection for the support of the men studying for the Priesthood for our Archdiocese. I will encourage everyone to please be generous in supporting our seminarians. Our Archdiocesan seminarians study not only at St. Mary’s seminary here in Houston, but also in seminaries in Dallas Texas, St. Benedict in Louisiana, and the North American College Seminary in Rome. This Sunday’s ENTIRE church collection goes towards the costs associated with the operating of St. Mary’s Seminary as well as the expenses of the education of seminarians, the continuing education of priests and the training of permanent deacons and laity. Thank you for your generosity.
Preparation and registration has begun for the Archdiocesan Youth Conference (AYC) which gathers participants from all over the local Church. AYC is the largest evangelizing event for older adolescents that the Archdiocese hosts annually. The youth conference will be held at the Hilton Americas Hotel on July 26-28, 2024. To Register for AYC go to AYC 2024 ( If you are interested in making a donation towards the AYC scholarship fund to help a youth of our parish attend who are unable to afford the full price, it would be GREATLY appreciated.
Next, we are currently providing livestreaming of the Masses here at St. Hyacinth. Please go to our website, St. Hyacinth Facebook page, St. Hyacinth YouTube channel, or St. Hyacinth page to view the current livestream masses. The Livestream Mass can be seen through our website page. If there is a homily that you want to rehear, you can go to YouTube channel and look at the mass again.
Finally, I want to thank everyone who made and participated in our Spring Festival 2024.The entire complex was packed with fun and games. I think that everyone who attended had a great time. I am happy to report that our recent 2024 STHY Spring Festival netted $37,939* for the parish; *(Total does not account for expenses). Thank you one and all who made our spring festival possible. Special thanks to our Spring Festival Chairman Mr. Raul Turner.