“Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men” says Jesus in the gospels this week. He is calling all of us to do the work of evangelization. This calling requires us to prioritize our lives with Christ. We are called constantly to negotiate between giving up and taking on. Sometimes God calls us away from a particular situation or relationship; and as we read and hear in the Gospel how Jesus calls Simon and Andrew from their job as fisherman; we are called to embrace the life of discipleship.
Place on your calendars, April 28th for the parish Spring festival. Raul Turner will be the 2024 Spring festival chair and he is asking for everyone’s help to revive the spring festival for our community. Look for more details on how you can help with the 2024 Spring Festival over the next few weeks.
One of our ongoing parish goals is to increase the number of people using our electronic formats for the dissemination of information from our parish. We have our website: Sthyaicnth.org , which I along with the team, update almost daily with information about the activities that go on in the parish. There is Flocknotes, which is our information delivery service for the parish, in which we email and or text information about the activities of the parish. Go to Flocknote tab on our website and join the group “Parishioners”. We are on Facebook, go and ‘like” us on Facebook. Our livestream masses and liturgies can be found on our website, Facebook and Vimeo.
I ask everyone to pray for the young people of our parish who will be on their Confirmation retreat next weekend. As this group of young people move closer to celebrating the Confirmation with Cardinal DiNardo in the Spring, lets keep each of these young people in your prayers. And pray for the Staff, Mrs. Pamela Johnson, the Director of Faith Formation and all of the volunteers who will be helping with the retreat.
Construction update: As you can see, the new building is going up at a steady pace. The metal frame structure is being reinforced and is being attached to the Church walls of the Narthex. Particle board is going up around the frame of the building. The St. Hyacinth statue has been moved into storage to protect it from the reconstruction of the Narthex side of the complex. Concrete is being poured around the building and the contractors will be delivering more concrete over the next few days. In the meantime, we have installed new exit doors to Guyot Hall, and we currently working with the contractors on the new lighting for the Hall as well. The new flooring for Guyot Hall will be installed once the parish offices are moved to the new building. Progress is happening. Thank you for your patience and generosity.