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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The risen Lord stands on the shore of all our activity to reveal to us the depts. Of what we cannot find on our own, the depths of who we can become in this world. Risen life is not about going back to the way it used to be, but moving forward with our lives in a new direction. As we are witnesses to Jesus call of the twelve, he is also calling us to follow him and remain faithful as his disciples were faithful.
During the eight Sundays of Easter the first readings are selected from the Acts of the Apostles and deals with the Easter Faith of the early Christian community. These selections from the Acts of the Apostles record how those first Christians received the spirit of Jesus and carried the mission of Christ forward. These writings help us move forward with our mission to show love and mercy to the world in light of the risen Christ.
I want to send a wonderful congratulations for a wonderful concert this past Sunday to our STHY Choir, they did a beautiful job to commemorate the risen Lord. Congratulations to our Director of Liturgy and Music, Pamella Pitman and Music Assistant Elizabeth Arrigo and to the Musicians from all over the Archdiocese who were part of the glorious presentation. Thank you all for supporting our music program here at STHY.
I know it is just the start of April, but it is time to start thinking about the next coming school year and the beginning of Religious Education classes. With more than 600 children in some level of Religious education this year, we need to have a head start in preparing for next fall’s Religious Education classes. Early registration for Religious Education classes will start Sunday April 24th, and continue throughout the rest of May until the early part of June (please check the bulletin and parish website for more information).
Please use this opportunity for early registration so you won’t get caught scrambling at the last minute this fall. Call or stop by the Faith Formation office during business hours or call if you have questions. And also begin to pray about becoming involved yourself as a teacher or aide. With the good number of kids comes the need for a good number of teachers. We’ve got plenty of training classes scheduled and we’ll offer you all the help you need, but I would ask that all parents become good stewards about their children’s religious education and get involved as a teacher or aide. It’s a great way to involve the whole family in the life of Christ.
Thanks to all who have signed up to help at our rapidly approaching parish Spring Festival. Volunteers are still needed in many areas. Please contact the parish office to volunteer your time for this great effort. May 22nd is the big day for everyone. If you have not picked up your 2016 Festival raffle tickets, they are available during select times outside the Church Narthex, Guyot Hall or pick them up from our parish office. Thank you for your help with selling tickets for the great prizes we have for the festival. One of the gift cards would look wonderful in my wallet. Please make plans to get involved now and come join us for what is shaping up as great festival for our parish family.
I want to make everyone aware that Deacon Frank Bersten is currently battling a serious illness and will not be present at the any of the Masses in the near future. Please keep Deacon Frank and his wife Jo Anne and family in your prayers.
Thanks to all those who have made their pledges for the capital campaign. Thank you for your generosity and sacrifice. As your pastor I am also a fellow parishioner, and I needed to make a sacrificial pledge for the capital campaign myself and I am asking you to prayerfully consider doing the same according to your means. We will be making our pledges throughout the year and they will last for a three year period. This is a wonderful parish and faith community and I assure you that I am very fortunate to be your Pastor. I know that you will do whatever you can to make this campaign a success. We entrust this campaign to the intercession of Our Blessed Mother and our patron St Hyacinth. Thanking you in advance for your response in faith. As your pastor, I invite you to discern how best you are able to support this capital campaign to build Family , Faith and Future.
God Bless,
Fr. Reginald Samuels