In examining the Gospel this week, the words of the Pharisee and the tax collector provide an interesting contrast in prayer. The Pharisee is intent upon listing off his many attributes and even though he does this under the guise of giving God thanks for his many virtues, we get the sense that his prayer is about him, no about God. The question we have to ask ourselves this week is: Is the relationship we have with God about us or is the relationship we have with God about God?
A week ago, we handed out brochures containing an outline of the IGNITE campaign. This brochure included information on the case elements, our parish case and the upcoming reception schedule for the parish. There will be three receptions: Tuesday October 29th at 9:30 am in Meeting Room 1, Tuesday October 29th at 7:00pm in Guyot Hall, and Wednesday, October 30th at 7:00pm in Meeting Room 2. Please check your schedule for an available reception date and place it on your calendar. Please RSVP one of the receptions at [email protected].
On July 1, 2019 we began a new fiscal year at STHY as did all of the parishes in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Copies of the FY 2018 - 2019 financial report and the 2019 – 2020 budget summary are in the Narthex and or online at I ask everyone in the parish to pray for financial wellbeing of our parish as we face challenges in taking care of our parish home and facilities.
One of our goals for rest of 2019 and in the New Year is to increase the number of people using our electronic formats for the dissemination of information from our parish. We have our website:, which is updated daily with information about the activities that go on in the parish. There is Flocknotes, which is our information delivery service for the parish, in which we email and or text information about the activities of the parish. Go to and join the group “Parishioners”. We are on Facebook, go and ‘like’ our Facebook page at .
Next, I need to to address the approximately the over 986 registered families here at STHY that we have no record of your giving to the Church. We do acknowledge that many are giving to the Church through the weekend collection; however, STHY needs you start using your envelopes or move toward electronic giving. We currently spend close to $10K a year on offertory envelopes and if we could use our electronic giving, this would reduce the expense of mailed offertory envelopes dramatically.
Everyone’s gift of a weekly tithe in the offertory is a great act of Stewardship. And remember, you can do in two ways, through your parish envelopes that are mailed to you or electronically through by entering parish code TX 526. It’s fast, easy and, yes, very secure, and a great way to support the work of our parish.
November is right around the corner. First, on for the Feast of All Saints Masses scheduled for October 31st will be the vigil Mass at 7:00 pm, November 1st there will have Mass at 8:00 am and 7:00 pm.
There will be a special Luminaria Mass for All Souls Day Saturday November 2nd at the 5:00 pm Mass. If you want to purchase a special luminaria candle for the Luminaria Mass, envelopes are in the back of the Church, in the narthex or go on line at
National Vocation Awareness Week (NVAW) is an annual week-long celebration of the Catholic Church in the United States dedicated to promote vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life through prayer and education, and to renew our prayers and support for those who are considering one of these particular vocations. During November 3rd - 9th, please take the opportunity to specifically pray for the Deacons, Sisters, Brothers and Priests of the Church who are called to a vocation.
When we pray for vocations, we lift up to our Father those men and women whom He is calling to follow Him in a very special way. Each week at the end of one of the Masses, an volunteer family is called by the priest to come forward to receive the Vocations chalice. The family takes the chalice home and puts it in a place of honor. If you want to have the opportunity to have the chalice in your home, please contact the parish office for details.