Today we return to the Sunday cycle B readings from the Gospel of Mark. We hear of the contentious debate that raged in the early Church in regards to how Christians need to distinguish themselves for the “elder sibling in faith, the Jews.” Jesus scandalizes his hears by proclaiming “Nothing that enters one from outside can defile that person; but the thing that come out from within are what defile”. It is the good that one does, motivated by the spirit of God within a believers’ heart, that is important in the eyes of God.
Religious Education classes will be starting next Sunday, September 9th, and now is the time to start thinking about the new religious Education school year. Registration is ongoing. (Please check the bulletin and parish website for more information).
Remember as well that when you are registering your child for Religious Education classes you can also sign-up yourself to be a catechist or aide. The Faith Formation staff is happy to answer questions and get you involved. Speaking of Education, next weekend, September 8th and 9th, there will be the annual Archdiocese collection for Catholic University of America / University of St. Thomas. The University of St Thomas School of Theology is where most of the priests and deacons of our Archdiocese attend school and receive their degrees. I received my Masters from the University of St Thomas in 2009. Thank you for your support of Catholic Higher education in our community and our nation.
FORMED is the revolutionary digital online platform that gives STHY unprecedented access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and eBooks from the Church’s foremost presenters. With your free access to FORMED, 24/7 on your television, smart phone, laptop, I-pad, or Kindle, you can: Prepare for Mass, study the scriptures, watch religious movies and programs as a family, Enrich your marriage with the award winning video programs, and help your children grow in faith and character with engaging children’s materials. Our parish Password to is 77GVZ3.
Last week, the main Church experienced major issues with the AC (HVAC). The main Church was without AC for a week due to the HVAC system was not working. There were apparently several major issues that brought down the system completely and there were major repairs that had to happen. First, we had to replace the thermostat sensors to the HVAC system. (AC Unit 3 to the main Church was failing to start and was not receiving a signal from the controller); there were major repairs made to AC Unit 2 (one of the two twenty ton units that provide AC to the Church) and finally, We will have to replace the main control panel system for the entire HVAC system which is outdated and can no longer be repaired. I just want you all to be aware that the total cost so far in repairing and maintenance the HVAC system has been estimated close to $20,000. The HVAC contractor will be in the Church to replace the main controller to the system in the next few weeks. We are very thankful that these issues happen during the week instead of the weekend in which we were able to have the HVAC contractor to come in and repair our systems. Thank you for your continuing support to STHY.
Now that we are getting back into the routine of parish life, lets continue to think about the future of our parish. Your support of our parish capital campaign will continue to enable STHY to minister to the needs of all who come through our doors for the next 50 years and beyond ; and your pledge will allow us to look to the future needs of our Church and community. We need everyone to continue to pray about our faith journey to build Faith, Family and Future… our Sanctuary…. Our Home.
Finally, I want to remind everyone that our offices are closed on Monday September 3rd, for Labor Day. Please keep all who labor in your prayers as we honor the dignity of human work on that day. Let us all pray also for those searching for gainful employment in these times and those who have recently been downsized, laid off or seen a reduction in their pay or work hours. May they not become discouraged and may God open new doors for them soon.