The gospel this weeks gives us two clear points. First, in our relationship with God , we are called to committed to a life of discipleship. Secondly, we are called to love God and others simply and completely. It is important that we give ourselves over to doing what is good, just and right in this life. In this Sundays second reading, St Paul urges us to “do nothing out of selfishness ; rather we should regard others as more important that ourselves.
As we continue our mission of spreading the good news of Jesus Christ, I want to thank all of you who have responded to our annual Diocesan Service Fund (DSF) drive over the years. For 2020, Cardinal DiNardo has assessed our parish DSF goal at $84,000. Currently we have $54,378 paid into DSF from our parish. DSF supports more than 60 ministries and programs that serve the faithful of the Archdiocese and us here at St. Hyacinth. It’s truly our baptism calling for generosity as the Cardinal tells us “Bring Your Greatest Gifts To The Lord”
There is a program that I want to challenge everyone to watch on “Put Not Your Trust in Princes” By Christopher Check. Mr. Check speaks to the time that we are in and provides a catholic perspective of the crisis of our age. The parish password is 77GVZ3.
In last weeks Archdiocese of Galveston Houston’s Catholic Harold, I wrote an article about Open our Hearts: a Pastoral letter on Racism was released in 2018 by the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops. The USCCB describes this letter as “But racism still profoundly affects our culture, and it has no place in the Christian heart. This evil causes great harm to its victims, and it corrupts the souls of those who harbor racist or prejudicial thoughts. The persistence of the evil of racism is why we are writing this letter now.” I am challenging every one of our parish to go download this letter and review it. Please go to parish website and click directly on the banner/ tile named “Open our Hearts” and it will take you to the pastoral letter.
Please pray for all of the young people in our parish. All Faith Formation classes will begin today and all grade classes will be offered online through January 2021. Families will be able to work at their own pace as they follow the online home study material that will be provided. To register please go to Thank you for your patience as we seek the best ways to serve the young people of our parish.
The RCIA team at St. Hyacinth invites all those interested in learning about the Catholic faith to join the RCIA study group. For now, the RCIA study group will meet on Wednesday evenings online until we can meet at church. Don’t wait. Now is the time! Our fall sessions will be on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 in a Zoom online format. Please contact the parish Religious Education Office at 281-479-8832 for details.
Signing up for recurring Offertory Giving allows St. Hyacinth to plan and budget with assurance that funds will be there. After all, consistency is key! No more worries about missing Mass due to travel or illness. Watch the livestream Youtube video and know you are still supporting our parish. Love a budget? We do too! You and St Hyacinth will have the guesswork taken out of balancing your checkbooks when you Register for Online giving at Automatic giving helps us budget and plan. Thank you the time is NOW and the need is CRITICAL.